All Ay20 students should also create their own blogs. Just go to blogger.com, login with your Google account, set your URL to ay20-FIRSTNAME.blogspot.com, and give yourself a clever title. You should then invite your friends and family to follow your blog. Outstanding posts will be reposted to this site, and possibly reposted again to the main Cahill Astronomy blog (coming in November 2011). Write in your own voice, but use proper grammar and spelling. You can be humorous; indeed, humor is encouraged. But all posts should reflect what you are learning in this class and others here at Caltech. Be creative by including your own photography, music, comic strips, drawings and poetry. Keep your posts concise and focused, and update often (at least twice a week).
While your grade depends on the quality of your posts, since your blog is open to the world I hope you put a lot of work into your writing simply because so many people will likely read it. If you'd like to get a sense for what goes into a good science blog, check out some of my favorites:
Cosmic Variance
An Illumination
Hogg's Research
Female Science Professor
Bad Astronomy
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
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